Melvin is only a beginner..chiu chiu…lolx.But he’s a fast leaner anyway. =) Meanwhile sf, t-yee is quite good and kyan is super, extremely good in it, till can b’come a trainer d. He purposely wear a non-sleeve suits to show off his muscles. Must praise so tat won’t be wasted rite? Phew phew. lolx! He told me tat he got the muscles by doing the gym, not b’coz of playing the badminton. Melvin must put more efforts in keep fit, eat more n jump more. Lolx! Lalala~~~
delicious…nyum nyum nyum…hahax. B’coz of boring we played truth or dare for 30 seconds.I’m the one who suggested and also the one who kena lar…..XP Kyan forced me to choose dare. =.=’ He asked me to lick the residual mushroom soap.ish..ish…But I’m kinda sporting.Show up my tongue started to lick. I saw Melvin n sf using hp aimed on me.I tot they’re going to take photos on me.So purposely lick and lick in slow motion..Later sf said, “ we’re taking videos on u, ” ishhh~~~ u two cause me licking more like dog dog. Arghhh~~~ b'coz of boring i asked them to act silly. Not bad right? lolx
After lunch sf sent all of us home. Muax sf!! ^^ They’re now back to kl d. =( gonna missed u all.take care yea~~ huggies…..
eh eh. apa beginner? i play time dunno u born ade or not. jkjk. haha. paiseh lor my skill not as good as kyan mah. too bad i haven't finish challenging sf yet. till next time den. i let her train more 1st den only come and challenge me again. hehehe.
u can win her...
is easy...juz remember to let her RUN RUN and RUN....
lolx! u're not beginner meh? din saw u smashed tat time. =X okie lar give u a chance to show up ur real skills ba.u let her train more? yea rite u have to gambate too! muahahahaha
go go melvin!! ^^
run n run? hmmmm....awww...i think i get it d. so tricky duh kyan. hahax!
hahaha. i din smash coz i give her chance mah. if not ppl say i bully girl later. jkjk. lol. no la. coz i dun have proper training mer. so dunno how to smash lor. sad =(
nvm melvin, train n practice more.i'm sure u can improve a lot within a short time, as u're kinda fast-learner rite? ^^ gambate!!
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