Tuesday, April 22, 2008


horray!!! hiphip horraay!!! This evening my mum, bro n me went to pick my new house-maid up! And...this means that....i'm freeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

yeah yeah yeah resigned from being as a housemaid. congratulations to me yeah! lalalala~~~ now i'm so relaxing and can't stop from singing. hehe! ^^

ometeto ometeto ometeto ometeto!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Congrats yea!

Winni3 said...

lol..thks! but who're u? btw i think i won't get the reply anyway. =X

Anonymous said...

LoL! LH lalala.

you tot is your PRINCE izzit?
dont be dissapointed la. LoL!

Winni3 said...

hahahaha! i hope it is. lol.
and sorry for lazy to up-date my blog. lazy with a specific reason. i think probably u should know y. =P