Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

My first Tag

Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. Don’t read the questions before you write, and tag 5 ppl to do the survey.

1) gradys
2) sze-fan
3) beatrice
4) tze hui
5) jun lynn
6) eileen
7) kyan
8) lye hoke
9) shu-min
10) jocelin
11) lean lean
12) Tina
13) ching chuen
14) aaron
15) lay theng
16) Kenneth Tan
17) calvin chee
18) wei min
19) jiew shang
20) junnie

1) How did you meet 14? (aaron)
sze-fan’s church brother.just finished pmr junior! Lolx ^^

2) What would you do if you haven’t met no. 1? (gradys)
she’s my “sister” lol.without her won’t meet up with vege,piggy,crackers and chicken hehe.she’s a friendly gurl, good in cooking.the one I love to talk to

3) What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? (shu-min and junnie)
swt it’s impossible d lolx.junnie is my eldest sister in my family, currently in sabah universe

4) Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? (Eileen and calvin chee)
no comments lolx.not sure whether they know each other .do they? Loll

5) Describe no.3. (beatrice)
pretty, smart, mature ( especially in dressing), high inspiration, friendly, understanding person, she’s one of my best bud! XD muacck

6) Do you think no 8 is attractive? (lye hoke)
ekkkk… *cough* lolll mm…maybe his personality.he’s a very nice guy, high inspirations, going to be a businessman in the future lol.he’s very interested in politics and business world news. ( like my dad lolll)

7) Tell me about no. 7. (kyan)
A very nice guy too.good in in singing, badminton, swimming.very talkative and good in acting funny lolx.high inspiration, planned to become a doctor in the future.He will =)

8) Do you know anything bout no.12’s family? (Tina)
yeah her sister married d.her parents are in china.oh she’s a china gurl hahahax.very tiny and cute little gurl, 1 yr younger than me.going to the psdc prom with me! Hahahax see u soon! ^^

9) What is no 8’s favourite? (lye hoke)
he loves to watch football match, play internet for business info.always share about the story of business world lolll

10) What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you? (jocelin)
lollll I’m not less hahahaha

11) What language does 15 speak? (lay theng)
Chinese , hokkien, mandarin.

12) Who is 9 going out with? (shu-min)
errr..b’come single d.but maybe will get together with “him” again.we’ll see *wink

13) How old is 16 now? (Kenneth tan)
19 yrs old

14) When was the last time you talked to 13? (ching chuen)
months ago lolll.His msn always under “busy” status.met him in o2jam loll.but guess what? He’s same age, and same course with me hahahaha! We did revision together in the passed june ’08 exam.thru msn, and hp too haha.He failed audit paper, same as me =( . He live in Selangor, so take course at Sunway College haha.gambate yea!

15) No. 2’s fav singer? (sze-fan)
Jay chou! lollx

16) Would you date no.18? (wei min)
lollll no comments.see first lol.he’s studying at sunway college too! Accounting.he’s a nice guy too^^ hang out and play pool with him once before.he's quite good in it =)

17) Would you date 4? (tze hui)
of course and not only once loll.she overnight at my house before hehe ^^

18) Is 15 single? (lay theng)
yeah but I think many guys interested in her as she’s quite pretty and very friendly.=)

19) What’s 10’s last name? (jocelin)
Hooi Chin

20) Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11? (lean lean)
I’m not lesb. loll

21) What school does 3 go to? (beatrice)
pcghs, disted Stamford , HELP

22) Where does 6 live? (eileen)
not so sure but I know it’s far far away from my house =X

23) What’s your fav thing bout 5? (jun lynn)
mm….friendly, share feelings with, her cookings! XD

Now I tag....
-jiew shang
-calvin chee

plus eileen! hahahax! muack!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

处女座终极完美分析 Analysis of virgo

都说处女座另类,双重性格,甚至有点神经质,其实原因只有一个,处女座的一切都要随自己外显的性格而转,姑且称之为'状态'。处女座状态好的时候,可以将 自己聪明、细腻、能干、温情、幽默、有内涵等优良品质完全外展,此时他们显得如此完美,光芒四射,并且可以表现得非常外向、健谈,容易与人打成一片(这本 非他们的性格)。而一旦处女座状态不好,便会变成另一个人,甚至非常窝囊,一事无成,不过通常此时他们都躲避外在的干扰,所以让人感觉有点间歇性自闭症) 因为同为水星守护,所以处女和双子一样善变,但双子善变的是心思,处女善变的却是情绪。


他 们想的是:与其很不自然地面对你,尴尬地和你说些无关痛痒地话,或是因和平时反差太大而被人说成表里不一,性格怪异,还不如先躲一阵子,等调节好了以后再 出来。所以,在与人交往中,他们只会和不得不交流的人(实在躲不掉)或是完全陌生的人(反正无所谓)交谈,而和熟悉的朋友反而疏远。


而 且,大家都知道处女座的人有严重的完美主义倾向,所以就有了所谓的\\'处女座的人最喜欢若即若离\\'。原因很简单:他只想给你一个最好最完美的自己, 而不愿让你看到他无助脆弱的一面。所以请记住,有时处女座对你冷,绝不是你说错做错什么,这是他们正常的生理现象,他们只是不想让严寒和冰霜伤害了你(可 事实上这种做法已经伤害)。不必难过,因为他们在乎你的话,他们的内心比你还要难过、自责和内疚!他们所能做的,只希望快点调整好情绪,回到你的身边。



关 于'花心'一般说来处女座绝不花心,忠诚是他们的代名词。异性关系多很可能是他们需要确定一个好人缘和自己有魅力,来反击那些普遍观点。一旦找到心中真 爱,他会呵护你一辈子,只要你能给他安全感,他永不背叛,心中眼中唯你一人。寻花问柳,红杏出墙这些事与他们绝缘(一是责任感所致,二是怕麻烦)。

关 于'聪明'不似双子灵活机巧,不象水瓶创意非凡,也不是天蝎的那种计画周密,处女座更多体现的是智慧。细腻、理性、好学加上十二星座里一流的洞察力和最强 的逻辑思维能力,处女座想不聪明都难。没事少在处女座面前信口开河,随意撒谎,很多伪纱他们一眼便能看透;也别跟他们玩什么心计,你玩不过他们的。处女是 那种可以把你卖了你还得向他道谢的类型。没事也少跟处女座辩论,他们没理也可找出理,甚至找出不止一条理来。处女是永远不会吃亏的。





关 于'逃避'由于处女座性格上的因素,他们通常会显得压力很大。当周遭的事物已无法掌控,或是自己的情绪无法调节好时,他们会疯狂地逃避,堕落自己,这种状 况通常对别人无害,却是伤害自己,让所有爱他们的人感到心碎。不过不用太担心,过一阵子他们自己会好的,他们天性的自我批判精神很快便会起作用。处女座一 般不会彻底堕落,堕落前可能都已留有余地,只是在等待着希望的来临。甚至有时堕落都是做给别人看的。




conclusion from me : accurate

~ thks to the mountain of vege ^^ ~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Increase and Decrease weight

Increase weight

AFTER back from National Service training at Kem Tasoh, Perlis 2007 (first batch), my weight increased from 55kg to 62kg! arghhh~~~ !! XP ( 176cm height with 55kg assumed as normal =P ) ‘d like to know the reasons? Hahaha….eat lots =X

3 months been trained under National Service, everyday having meals 6 times a day o.O But really can’t help it! It’s so tiring because of everyday’s training. Feels gonna die at anytime after those exhaustive training. what can we do? If don’t wanna die, must eat lolx. And so all of us eat and swallow the food in quick and hurry without chewing it, just like pigs oink oink zzz….

What I ate :
- ice-cream (after or smtimes before marching)
- sweets
- titbits before sleep XP
- biscuits ( when nothing to do )
- rice ( lots )

Mostly is because of affections of my malay friends lolx. I think they love to eat because of the hari raya puasa..get what I mean? =P

Decrease Weight

Intended to reduce my weight because fat caused me lost confidence =( . another reason is…. “bo lang ai” XD pss: it’s hokkien language hehe

What I did :
- yoga
- more exercises
- drink big bottle of water ( before breakfast )
-take the stairs, fast walk

What I ate :
-less rice
-more vegetables ( almost ate whole dish of vegetables, crazy with it lolx )
-breakfast – milo and 2 pieces of bread
-afternoon – less rice more veg ; a green apple before dinner
-dinner – 5 mouth of rice XD
-no titbits, sweets,chocolates, ice-cream for 2 months

That’s what I did and glad that I succeeded within 2 months. I’m back to normal lolll. Thank Buddha.hahahahahax ^^

~confirm what's your resolution.It leads to success~

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Penang Disted college vrs PTPL college

Disted College, can be said as forth largest college in Penang(but still small lolll) .It's a college with A very artistic and heritage structure, in short it looks like a purely white castle.Divided into two parts, first part is where the administration office, cafeteria and classrooms situated.Plus, 3 high-tech computer labs with 3 printers ( it's free! ^^ just have to bring along ur A4 paper lol )

Another one could be said as a library but then there are quite a number of classes on the second floor, which also a place probably named group study zone ( study in groups, means can talk loud loud and eat titbits ( shhHhh.... XD )

As i mention in the previous ( quite old ) blog, Disted college just organized the CAT and ACCA course in the last year July '07 .It means that they're still new in it.They tried to search for and employ lecturers with high knowledge and experience in the business world, pss : not really have experience in lecture.However some of the lecturers included Mr.Oh Teik Soon and Mr.Yeap quite good in teaching, they're a very committed lecturers.

Unfortunately, they employed an impatient lecturer to teach taxation paper.gosh....Always lost his temper and show face, caused all of us hate to attend his class, leads to the intention of transfer to another college.As I did so =P .( read the previous blog, " what happened in august, u'll know y ) He asked us to prepare a presentation of chapters of taxation text book in turns( even though we never study about tax before).Later he'll use our presentation to teach in class, not providing any notes for us zzz.RPG ( real property gains ) are no more in syllabus but still asking my friend to prepare presentation for it zzz.

Fortunately IPG, currently renowned as PTPL, have a >10 years teaching experience lecturers.And so i attended his class.Mr.Goh really is very good in teaching. Simple, clear and easy to understand what he teach.Meet him, then u'll believe what i said.He's very friendly, won't feel bored in his class.

Overall there're no problems in lecture, just that poor environment and average in student management.Heard that lots of management problems happened.I'm not so sure because i'm still new in ptpl XD

Tomoro going to have a short test from Mr.Goh.A lil afraid of =P Sorry for not blogging for a couple of days because will be a little busy with studies and so will lazy to blog lol. sorry =X

~ signing off~

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Awar3 oF Liver ++ DAMAGE!

The main causes of liver damage are:

1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.

2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver.
Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'

Received from my beloved ex-lecturer, Ms.Margaret,Thank you.muackxx!!

My opinion :
Life is precious.Everyone busy earning gains and struggling for reputations, neglected their health.Should place health in the first rank.

Health status low, reputations equals zero.

Take good care of yourself =)

Advantages vrs Disadvantages (SuNw@y Coll~)

Sunway college is a very popular college with high reputation.It is a notable college which had been established more than 10 yrs ago.Remarkable and extraordinary college, provides excellent environment, plus with committed and dedicated lecturers.Even though it's costly but worthy.Students of Sunway college scored well in the CAT ( Certified Accounting Technician ) and ACCA examinations, because of responsible and patient lecturers.It proved.

This afternoon met Mr.Oh, a Disted lecturer which i respect the most.I seek for some advice from him.He said that upon a character of parents, he will give me fully support.He agreed that sunway college is totally an excellent college.He warmly present me 2 words, "should go, " , take a try. =)

However, frankly , does have several disadvantages which need to be considered.Besides the cost problem, others are about daily meals and how to settle our attire, plus transportation problem.Lastly is about away from home, depends on personal whether can used to it.

According to my views, I won't mind that, i want to taste it lol =P . Should feel proud and appreciate to have a chance to try it in our life.Having chance to learn to be independent, control and self discipline.Foster friendship and for most, to create life experience. " yeah i have been before.... " The sentence i wish to say in the future. =)

I will transfer to sunway college after pass all the fundamental levels, professional level in sunway college.Hope that mum would support me.luv u mum.hugggies~~

~ signed off~

Sunday, October 12, 2008

To You

To : Mr. anonymous

i'm so so sorry...i never meant to hurt u.really thought that u just treat me as friends as u said so.well u shouldn't be that angry at all just because i delete the blog which was posted in the past.yeah rite did mention about u, who don't understand my previous blog, that's y wrote it asking if others would understand what i mean.Later found that nobody understands it so i deleted it as it's useless d what....It's wasn't that complicated as u thought.should be open minded man..Plus, i'm not ready to accept others heart that's y told u don't wait or put any hopes on me in the first place.remember??? told u several times d..anyway i'm sorry, really really sorry.There're still so many gurls out there.Don't worry.I think it's that u really need a girlfriend that's all.Still remember that u told me u wanna taste the romantic and all that stuff.That's what u wished for.But shouldn't be forced to...=( Forget everything about it and get a new life.Good Luck~ hope that we're still friends.

From: Feeling guilty gurl

Saturday, October 11, 2008


nice rite? hehehe~~ edited.(pss : it's Ms.Tan's hand XD )

yeng ler..edited too hehe(pss : it's Mr.Tan's hand ^^)

~ <3 Love <3 ~

Seems that love
is something which is mysterious
barely explained, it's all about feelings
you'll never know when ur soul mate comes
"It" will just happen between 2 person
+ happen naturally+

(designed by me, pretty bo? ^^ any additions? hmm..~~ should ask eileen loll )

Friday, October 10, 2008

Weird thoughts ?

Today's my grandma's birthday.We're going to have a birthday party tonight at Citytel ( hope i didn't spell wrong =P )

So then i followed my mum to a hair salon to wash, steam and trim our hair.The price is absolutely reasonable.only cost Rm 5 each.It means Rm15 in total.not bad right? wink*

When was in hair salon mum started nagging again lolx."trim a little of no like this and that.. " lolll. Mum very funny, always trying to act like a professional hair cut.The hair dresser feels headache on her too.However, this would make me not that boring after all. hahahahhax

Thanks mum for helping me settle the bill.whee~~ XD

While was in the car, I mentioned about the transfer to Sunway College.Mum start nagging again and said that no matter where I study overall it's just the same.

I took a deep breath and replied," Mum i know i know it's just the same but then what i want is to foster a memorable experience while still in study period.There're only 2 more years left for me to be a student and study in college.After that i will be extremely busy in working stuff for my whole life.Mum, life is short.. ,"

Mum paused, frowned and said, " Gurl u're only 19yrs old, still small how come u have such thoughts..?? "

~ end~

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Hero??

I have a cousin in Thailand.He's 20 yrs old plus with about 178 height.Tomoro is my grandma's birthday so my cousin took a flight and came to penang to pay us a visit.welcome home. =)

Was kinda surprise to see his arm is under bandage.Asking why and what happened to him.Hesitantly, told me the story.

The day before, a 60++ yrs old grandma, being attacked by two cold-hearted snatch-thieves.My cousin was on spot and so she plead my cousin to help her get back her handbag.Without second thought, cousin ran towards the thieves , fought with, hero.He didn't heed to his own safety.dumb.

The snatch-thieves hit him hard using kind of wood or something but then my cousin don't have anything in hand to fight back.No choice so using his hand to protect himself.

(pss : just like a movie! wohoho~~ loll XD )

That's what had happened.He told me not to tell parents and old folks about this because he don't want to make them worried about him. My heart feel warm.nice guy =)

yeah okie i kept the promise not telling them but sharing with friends is not guilty right? lolx. Love to share this with friends to boast that i have a sweet cousin.Such a protective guy, i think his gf will feel safe with him.jealous lor lolllll ( jk jk )

okie that's all for now.Pray that his injure to be cure asap.hugs =)

The End


was lazy yeah so lazy to blog lol.worrying about my taxation paper because going to have a mock exam on 3 november 2008.Plus, don't have confidence and not that advance in the previous chapters.In short, taxation consisted of 6 sections :

S4a ~ Business Income

S4b~ Employment Income
>s13(1)(a) - s13(1)(e)
> s13(2)(a) - s13(2)(e)

S4c~ Dividend Income, Interest Income
S4d ~ rental income, royalty income
S4e ~ annuity, pension income, and other periodical income
S4f ~ other income

+ Resident Status
~ S7(1)(a) - s7(1)(d)

business income and the partnership are quite complicated.haiizz....have to put much efforts on it gurl.kayao kayao~~ !!!!

However, i'm glad that i failed audit paper lolll.
Found that failed audit paper given chance for me to think whether i'm heading towards the right path, whether accounting suites me or whether i'm going to regret.
Furthermore, given a chance to take tha taxation paper, learning the basics first before reach the taxation advance level which is a compulsory paper in ACCA.

so thk buddha make me failed audit even though initially feels desperate and much disappointment, hurt. =P

anyway, sincerely congratulations to all my friends who successfully passed the CAT and all the best in ACCA exam which falls on december '08

Let's strive for future!

To gurls, we still can stand up although without guys around, just that maybe would feel something's missing but then won't feel lonely as there're so much lovely friends around. huggiess~~~ will always stands together!

friendship, friendship is the best! wink*